Calvin Klein's Dolly Classic Dress Pump
Every on-the-go career woman should have a shoe they can just grab from the shoe rack that fits any occasion. Calvin Klein brings us the Classic Dolly Pumps. The sleek upper leather and the chic design gives you the serious and crisp look you need at the board room while making you look feminine at the same time. That’s perfect if you don’t have time to change go home or change into something else before a romantic date or a simple night out with friends.

CK's sleek upper leather design
The insole is lightly padded so every step is comfy on your feet. If you look at the sole you’ll see there is a jelly like part that provides traction to prevent you from slipping. Normally rubber materials aren’t considered “classy” but Calvin Klein begs to differ.

The rubber material at the sole that provides traction has a unique and classy design
This is one shoe that the real life career woman needs! Buy this Calvin Klein shoe here!